Ali over at Every Bite Counts nominated me for the versatile blogger award and LifeLaughFood nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award this week so I am very happy and feel loved! These ladies are amazing and I'm so thankful they thought of me for these! things about me that you didn't already know. Hmmm...
1. I do not enjoy the sound of guitar. Ben is going to hate me for this but when he is playing a song or just practicing, I can only take so much before I have to tell him to stop. I hate being mean about it, but my little ears cannot take the noise that it produces. Weird.
2. I give good advice. But I can't take it. It's easy for me to give out advice and hope to others, but when it comes to myself, well I pretty much suck at it. I have a hard time being "easy" on myself and find that taking my own advice is a struggle that makes me feel weak and un-perfect.
3. I love cuts, scraps, scars or anything that looks "nasty". I don't know why I like these but every time I end up with one, I admire it and show it to Ben, "Look! Isn't this awesome!?" haha I'm so freakin' weird.
4. I like to compete. I usually make everything I do a competition, especially if I am with someone else, like when I'm at the gym, I need to feel like I'm lifting heavy enough to compete with the other people in there. I talked about this before kinda, about how I am constantly either winning or losing, and mostly it's with Ben. I like to feel "better" than him which is just plain awful to be honest. It's not something I'm proud of obviously.
5. I struggle with social anxiety. Actually, my biggest regret in life was when I didn't go to Ben's graduation party because I was too scared. Yep, I'm pathetic. I sat in his room all day because my anxiety was out of control. I couldn't dare face all of the people that were there. I'm still embarrassed by it to this day.
6. My dream involves cupcakes. I want to open a {healthy}cupcake bakery mixed with an art gallery one day. It's a long road to get to but it's my dream job so I'll make it happen one way or the other!
7. I'm a quote hog. I have close to 100 pages of quotes stored on my computer and it gets longer every day. I am in love with inspiring quotes and sayings and never want to forget them so I write them all down! It's nice to go back and look them over on days when I need some extra positive help.
And my nominees are...
Cara @ Inspiring, Creating, Changing
Haley @ Health Freak College Girl
Alexandra @The Freckled Lifter
Jenny @ Peanut Butter and Jenny
Shannon @ Healthiful Balance
Tessa @ Amazing Asset
Kat @ A dash of Fairy Dust
Cheryl @ Happy is the New Healthy
Tara @ Sweat Like A Pig
Naomi @ One Fit Foodie
CJ @ Healthy, Happy, Whole
Kaila @ Healthy Helper
These are some very lovely gals so make sure you check them out!!
Hope you're all having an amazing Friday, I couldn't be more happy <3
Kip Moore-Drive Me Crazy