Friday, October 26, 2012

{what's it to me, what's it to you?}

What's it to me?


courage  is knowing when you need help and asking for it...

courage is finally feeling like you can love yourself for who you are...

courage is realizing when you are taking a turn for the worse and catching yourself...

courage is being able to eat without guilt...

courage is knowing you have a purpose even on your worst days...

courage is doing something that scares you...

courage is following your heart...

courage is never giving up...

courage is taking rest days without feeling lazy...

courage is believing in yourself...

courage is being honest with yourself...

courage is opening up to others...

courage is letting go...

courage is knowing what's best for yourself...

courage is freedom...


What's it to you?


  1. This is an absolutely beautiful post, Tayla. Thank you so much for taking the time to put it together. :) To me, courage is standing up for what's right even if you stand alone. Courage is being strong even when you want to give up. Courage is striving for happiness in a world pressing against you. Courage is being true to yourself. :)

    1. Thank you Kathleen. Courage is all these things but especially being true to yourself! <3
